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Spiritual Tao News -- Dec 2022 - Winter Solstice to set intentions

Spiritual Tao News -- Dec 2022 - Winter Solstice to set intentions


Universal Healing Tao

Spiritual Tao Workshops       Certificate Program   Spiritual Tao Website

Dear friends of Qigong and Tai Chi,


Winter Solstice happens on Wednesday, Dec 21 at 4:47pm Eastern (UTC-5).  Translate to your time zone. 


Optimal time to do a qigong ceremony to cast forward that intention would be midnight 12:00am of the time preceding this, i.e. for most people, get ready on the night of Tuesday Dec 20 at 11:50pm for a midnight ceremony on boundary of Dec 20th/21st.

snow covered pine trees in winter

Winter Solstice is the point of maximal darkness, the gear shift between increasing night and increasing daylight.   I.E. When increasing day is born again.  This is the TRUE cosmological new year, rather than the calendar one we have on Jan 1.


Winter Solstice is the time to set your intention for what you want to "give birth to" in the new year, because a new cosmological year is born on this date.




For those interested in Tai Chi, we are offering a Tai Chi 1 class in January designed for people who already know the Tai Chi 1 form, or for those that had the Intro course in Tai Chi 1 in December 2022. 

This REFINE Tai Chi 1 course is to solidify the form and start learning higher skills.

More details and schedule below . . .

REFINE TAI CHI QIGONG 1 Program ONLINE -- Starts Monday January 23, 2023!

REFINE TAI CHI QIGONG 1 program ONLINE:  MWF for 6 weeks, starting Jan 23, 2023  (OPEN enrollment)

This six-week program in REFINE Tai Chi 1 is designed for people who already learned the Tai Chi 1 form previously. 

These could be individuals who had my INTRO Tai Chi 1 course in December (going on now) or people who independently know the Tai Chi 1 form from learning it elsewhere.

There are many other instructors that teach the Tai Chi 1 form, so I'm not unique.

But my focus is on giving a well-rounded instruction on how to do Tai Chi in a rooted way, so you move with a strong connection to the ground.  

If you move in a grounded and rooted way, it 
amplifies the healing potential from the earth energy, it stabilizes your emotions and nervous system.

Also, quite honestly for those who are interested in martial arts, rooted Tai Chi creates a stable structure in movement.

While my focus is on the healing aspect of doing the form, I will also demo the self-defense applications that are hidden in the form, for those that have that interest.

The teaching will also be tied into the Tai Chi classics, which is a collection of old texts that explain how to do Tai Chi "in a better way".

The main goal of this class is--not to learn the form--but to correct and refine the form as per the principles I described above, and to begin learning the intermediate level skills that move beyond basic mechanics.

INTRO Tai Chi Qigong 1 program  OR  
Ability to do Tai Chi 1 form beginning to end AND willingness to change form to style as directed by Steven


Depending on enrollment in this program, follow-up courses in Tai Chi 2-3 are being planned.

Each week will continue ongoing work with the Tai Chi 1 form. 

Enrollees will also have access to some practice recordings to help guide their practice. Some of these will come from the Intro course and some will be dispersed as appropriate in the refinement class.

You will have access to these recordings (until Apr 15, 2023) to enable you to continue practicing outside of class.

IF you want to refine your Tai Chi 1 form, now is the time. The last time I offered this class was in August 2019.  So it is not often I offer this.


Note:  There is also an intention to offer a restricted enrollment class after this course for folks who want to learn the high-level intermediate and advanced material (either for personal benefit or for certification test prep for those who meet requirements).  Only those enrolled in the REFINE Tai Chi 1 above will be given an invite to enroll in this restricted class.



Refine Tai Chi Qigong 1 program is $195/person. 

For all other workshops, tuition is also only $195/person for the two-weekend courses (reviewers for two-weekend courses $125, contact me).  Restricted classes require prerequisites and enroll through email to me.

Online courses done through Zoom webinar link

REFINE TAI CHI QIGONG 1 ONLINE:  MWF for 6 weeks, program starts Jan 23  (OPEN enrollment)

ST202:   Healing Love 2 + Stem Cell Qigong ONLINE:  Sat-Sun Jan 28-29 + Sat-Sun Feb 4-5  (restricted enrollment)

ST101:  Qigong Meditation Basics 1 ONLINE:  Sat-Sun Mar 25-26 + Sat-Sun Apr 1-2  (OPEN enrollment)


These ONLINE courses are a wonderful way to dive deeply into qigong, from the comfort of your own home while many either can not or do not wish to travel.  For those who could not attend live classes in the past, now is your chance! 

I warmly invite you to join me in these ONLINE workshops where we get to explore some life-changing methods that restore vibrancy and joy to a person's life.  The qigong and meditative methods create a warm happy feeling in the body and spirit.

If anybody has any questions, feel free to contact me directly at my email below.
I'd love to hear from you.

Warm wishes and smiling qi,
Steven Sy