Spiritual Tao Workshops | Certificate Program | Spiritual Tao Website |
Dear friends of Qigong and Tai Chi,
In my years of doing Tai Chi, qigong, and meditation, I've tried to think about what
In a nutshell
Is the secret to health Secret to emotional health Secret to physical health
From my perspective, it comes down to just three things: grounding, moderation, and removing stagnation.
1. Grounding: I say a lot about this in the Basics 1 course, but in short, it allows you to own your space . . .
To know what is your stuff and what is someone else's stuff . . .
To take ownership of what is yours, and to not take personally, what is not (i.e. what is someone else's drama).
Not confusing the story in your head, with what is actually going on.
Most emotional issues relate to this in some way, and of course, negative emotions make the body feel ill . . . upset stomach, headache, etc. So the mind-body connection is huge.
2. Moderation: Exercise some, but not too much (both couch potatoes and marathon runners often die early).
Work some, but not too much.
You get the idea.
Taking anything to an extreme brings in an energy that doesn't support life.
3. Removing Stagnation: Muscles hurt? Often the muscles are tense preventing blood flow and flow of energy. Energy is stagnant. But if you massage the muscles and let the blood flow, the pain dissolves.
Similarly, if energy gets stuck in the joints, then joints can hurt and get inflamed.
Lack of movement, tension, constriction, are all recipes for pain.
The immune system works better when lymph can flow.
Increasing flow and decreasing stagnation makes the body healthier.
This is one of the many reasons why I like Tai Chi so much.
It works on all three of these areas above.
Tai Chi grounds you; by connecting to the ground in a meditative way, it helps you to own your own space.
Tai Chi helps moderate your life. It's a break from our usual busy lives. A way to slow down. To take some time for yourself.
Tai Chi reduces stagnation. You get into a flow state, your body moving as one.
In two weeks, I have a INTRO Tai Chi 1 course coming up.
I warmly invite you to journey with me and see what positive changes and peace you can find!
No previous Tai Chi background required.
Details below! . . .
INTRO TAI CHI QIGONG 1 ONLINE -- Starts Monday, Nov 27 at 8pm Eastern on MWF schedule (OPEN enrollment) Tai Chi 1 form
This six-week program in Intro Tai Chi 1 gives you the foundation in Tai Chi, as well as enables you to learn the fundamental Tai Chi 1 form.
There are many other instructors that teach the Tai Chi 1 form, so I'm not unique.
Also, quite honestly for those who are interested in martial arts, rooted Tai Chi creates a stable structure in movement.
While my focus is on the healing aspect of doing the form, I will also demo the self-defense applications that are hidden in the form, for those that have that interest.
The teaching will also be tied into the Tai Chi classics, which is a collection of old texts that explain how to do Tai Chi "in a better way".
The main goal of this class is to be able to learn the Tai Chi 1 form, at least at a beginner level, and have a solid practice that will serve you going forward.
You don't need to have any Tai Chi background to join this program.
Depending on enrollment in this program, there may be follow-up courses offered in REFINE Tai Chi 1 (refinement of the form, as preparation for intermediate & higher-level skills) and/or Tai Chi 2-3.
Each week MWF we will continue ongoing work with the Tai Chi 1 form as we meet for class.
The classes themselves are NOT recorded.
This is to ensure privacy of students, for students to be able to feel they can practice Tai Chi without being recorded, and to be able to ask relevant questions without concern about recordings, etc.
That said, for extra support, each week you will be provided with a practice recording (streaming) going over the instruction we did in the week, that is free from q/a interruptions and side discussions etc.
That way you can have a guided practice that you can follow along, outside of class.
So you will get six comprehensive instructional practice sessions to supplement your class, if you wish to have a reference in practicing outside the classroom.
You will have access to these practice sessions (until Feb 28, 2024) to enable you to continue practicing outside of class.
Note: Intro Tai Chi Qigong 1 program (MWF) is $195/person.
Online courses done through Zoom webinar link
INTRO TAI CHI QIGONG 1 program ONLINE--(No prereqs): MWF for 6 weeks, Starts Nov 27 at 8pm Eastern (OPEN enrollment)
INTRO OLD TAI CHI STAFF + TAI CHI 3 ONLINE: MWF for 6 weeks, Starts Nov 27 at 9pm Eastern (restricted enrollment to advanced group)
ST201: Healing Love 1 ONLINE: Sat-Sun Dec 9-10 + Sat-Sun Dec 16-17 (restricted enrollment)
ST202: Healing Love 2 + Stem Cell Qigong ONLINE: Sat-Sun Jan 27-28, 2024 + Sat-Sun Feb 3-4, 2024 (restricted enrollment)
ST101: Qigong Meditation Basics 1 ONLINE--(No prereqs): Sat-Sun Mar 9-10, 2024 + Sat-Sun Mar 16-17, 2024 (OPEN enrollment)
These ONLINE courses are a wonderful way to dive deeply into qigong, from the comfort of your own home while many either can not or do not wish to travel. For those who could not attend live classes in the past, now is your chance!
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