Spiritual Tao Workshops | Certificate Program | Spiritual Tao Website |
Dear friends of Qigong and Tai Chi, I am periodically asked, "how do I get started in qigong or in meditation?" While this is a great question, an even better one would be WHY. We all have busy lives, trying to do (probably) too many things as it is. But actually, if you look at that statement closely . . . That is the reason! There is so much craziness in our lives, life often becomes difficult to manage. So many responsibilities, so many things pulling you in different directions. Where are YOU in all of this? Where do you have time for YOU? Do you have time to listen to your inner voice? Additionally, our lives are governed by challenges in interpersonal relationships. We react to things people say, and we feel unhappiness. Oftentimes, we can spend our time ungrounded. Thinking about arguments from the past, worrying about scenarios in our mind of tomorrow. Reacting (inappropriately) to storylines in the mind, rather than what is actually going on. In the end, we feel tired, drained, and unsatisfied. Our relationships suffer. We don't have the opportunity to hear our true voice, who we really are. That's what the Basics training in Qigong & Meditation is about. We start with how to get grounded, to silence the crazy thinking, to feel more peace within. We learn simple physical body practices and simple meditations to calm the mind, to rejuvenate health, and to detoxify from negative emotions. This allows us to feel more joy in our lives, feel healthier, and more able to deal with the fast-paced nature of society. When we shut down the things that drain our energy, we have more energy to do the things we want to do. As I like to say, "if you can't manage your life, then you can't do anything of substance". So that is where we begin. So I invite you to join with me the start of the Qigong Meditation Basics sequence, starting in 1.5 weeks on the March 25 weekend. Details below . . .
Coming up Mar 25-26+Apr 1-2 is our premier introduction class Qigong Meditation Basics 1. It has no prerequisites. All are welcome! This is a great introduction to our system, all about learning how to get grounded and to detoxify from negative emotions, along with wonderful physical qigong to help heal the body. This is a class you definitely don't want to miss! Many classes have prerequisites and have this course as a prerequisite. The next time this class will be offered will not be until March 2024. This two-weekend online class in Qigong Meditation Basics 1 is only $195 for both weekends. Those that have had this workshop before (i.e. don't need to register these hours in it for future certification), are welcome to email me to get a special review price payment link for $125, if you wish to take it as a refresher. Even if you've taken Basics before from someone else, this course could be well worth your time. I cover the material much more deeply than some others. While many other instructors crash course Basics in two or four days, I actually spend five full courses to teach all of the Basics material, as there is far more material than most realize. This Basics 1 course can also be the start of someone's qigong certification pathway! Have you ever had the desire to be certified in qigong? By taking Qigong Meditation Basics 1 and some subsequent courses, you will fulfill the requirements to become an Associate Instructor. FYI: You do not need to do all the workshops in the program in one year. So long as you complete the 120 hour program in a span of 3 years since the beginning, we can certify you. See details under Certification Program If you have no interest in certification, that's OK. The material will serve you for life, and the contact hours will still count, if you later change your mind. By the way, each student will receive an Attendance Certificate (upon completion of course), which can be used toward Associate Instructor certification, with either myself or another registered Senior Instructor when your hours are completed. To assist in ongoing learning, I will provide three month access to recordings of qigong practice material, so that once the course is finished, you can continue practicing and reinforcing what you learned.
ST101: Qigong Meditation Basics 1 ONLINE: Sat-Sun Mar 25-26 + Sat-Sun Apr 1-2 (OPEN enrollment)
ST203: Healing Love 3 + Five Element Qigong ONLINE: Sat-Sun Apr 30-May 1 + Sat-Sun May 7-8 (restricted enrollment) ST102: Qigong Meditation Basics 2 ONLINE: Sat-Sun May 21-22 + Sat-Sun May 28-29 (OPEN enrollment)
These ONLINE courses are a wonderful way to dive deeply into qigong, from the comfort of your own home while many either can not or do not wish to travel. For those who could not attend live classes in the past, now is your chance!
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